Repair Documentation Available

Also referred to as the ‘Service Notes’, the information contained within this website is for Lotus vehicles produced from 2004 onwards fitted with Toyota powertrains.

The service notes are provided in a PDF format and divided into function groups of the vehicle i.e., brakes, steering, front suspension, rear suspension, chassis, body etc.  

To avoid unnecessarily repeating technical information, remarks may be displayed within the text of a specific removal and refitment procedure referring the user to another section of the service notes for further instruction where this information has already been produced for another closely associated operation.

If you require technical information to carry out a specific repair it is important to download all the relevant service notes sections that are required before your registration period has expired.     

The strip down, repair, reassembly and refitment information contained within the service notes has been produced primarily for qualified motor vehicle technicians employed by the network of Lotus Dealerships.

Therefore any minor operations, best practice procedures, correct use of tools and equipment, relevant safety information and handling of fluids and chemicals etc are presumed to be self evident and as such may not be documented.  

Therefore it is assumed that any non-Lotus technicians utilizing the same information have also completed training as a motor vehicle mechanic and will also use all best practices if performing any of the procedures documented within the service notes.