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ModelModel YearGearboxEngine TypeChassis/BodySerial Number
Elise2005Manual2ZZ 190 evapLHD USA


Safety is always our primary concern, from the vehicle information you have entered, records indicate that your vehicle may be within the affected VIN or build date range for the recall actions shown below.
Please contact your nearest or preferred Lotus Dealership or contact Lotus Customer Services (Tel + 44 (0) 1603 732194 or email to confirm if your Lotus vehicle is outstanding any recall actions shown.
Lotus Bulletin Numbersort descending Bulletin Title Implementation Date Lotus Models Affected Relevent Government Authority Reference
TSB 2006/01R - USA Fitment of modified gear lever on selected '04 - '05 Model Year Elise and Exige 4/12/13 Elise, Elise RoW, Exige, Exige RoW 05V-571
TSB 2012/01R - USA Only Service level replacement of crossover oil cooler hose and fitment of a service level oil line hose kit. Selected '05 - '07 MY USA Elise/Exige vehicles only. 17/11/13 Elise, Elise RoW, Exige, Exige RoW NHTSA: 11V-510 Transport Canada: TC 2011-390
TSB 2012/02R - USA Only Potential loss of electronically stored VIN in ‘05 to ‘07 MY vehicles 10/1/14 Elise, Elise RoW, Exige, Exige RoW